WP1 - Project

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Development and validation of a protected care transition model by using high technology systems towards multimorbid and polytreated older people: Study PRO HOME (WP1 of the MULTIPLATAGE project).

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Regione Liguria
E.O. Ospedali Galliera - Dipartimento Cure Geriatriche, OrtoGeriatria e Riabilitazione - Mura delle Cappuccine 14, 16128 – Genova

The aim of this WP is to evalutate the efficacy, in terms of reduced ordinary hospital stay, of a protected care transition model for multimorbid and polytreated elderly patients in the framework of a specific home-oriented area, designed, developed and equipped with advanced architectural and technologic tools (domotics, tele-care, etc…).


The effectiveness of the protected transition care model will be evaluated by a pilot study (controlled, randomized, prospective and no-profit) aiming at assessing the organizational and clinic efficacy of the model equipped with high-level technological tools specific for elderly hospedalized patients. An integrated software platform will guarantee the monitoring of clinical, functional and mobility parameters according to a multidimensional approach. The final target is to validate a comprehensive and tailored transition care model, aimed to an appropriate allocation of health resources and a favorable cost/benefit ratio of multimorbid older subjects.


Participants will be consecutively recruited among elderly patients hospedalized in the SC UOC Geriatria a Direzione Universitaria dell’EO Ospedali Galliera di Genova, declared “dismissible” by the Hospital, but not able to autonomously go back home (or assistive residence) due to social, organizational or clinical reasons.


The model is innovative due to:

  • the functional study and realization of operative solutions (architectural and technological) aiming at improving the autonomy of everyday living, overall self-sufficiency and mobility of the patients hosted in the protected care transition area;
  • the wide use of high-tech systems able to ensure the on-time monitoring of clinical and functional parameters;
  • the integration of “passive” solutions (ie. Colour of the walls, fornitures of living spaces, etc…) and “active” solutions (high-tec tools for a domotic environment) able to ensure safety and wellbeing of patients and their caregivers;
  • a great attention paid to the personalization of interventions to guarantee a high grade of satisfaction and QOL;
  • an improved and integrated use of health resources.

Scientific Contacts

  • Prof. Alberto Pilotto (Director of the Geriatric, Ortogeriatric Care and Rehabilitation Department and Principal Investigator of MULTIPLATAGE project: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
  • Dr. Alberto Cella (Responsable for Intermediate Care of the  Geriatric, Ortogeriatric Care and Rehabilitation Department: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
  • Dr.ssa Erica Volta (Senior researcher at the Geriatric, Ortogeriatric Care and Rehabilitation Department: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
  • Dr.ssa Sabrina Zora (Psycologist and senior researcher at the Geriatric, Ortogeriatric Care and Rehabilitation Department: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Administrative Contacts

  • Alessandra Argusti (Scientific Coordination Office: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
  • Alberto Ferri (Project Manager Office: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
  • Domenica Cilione (Secretery of the Geriatric, Ortogeriatric Care and Rehabilitation Department: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)